
Charlotte, NC

Alpha Mill

Preserving Historic Character Through Adaptive Reuse


Completed 2007


Crosland Properties




Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Land Planning

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Giving Old Bones New Purpose

Significant brownfield remediation led to renovating three historic buildings and adding new infill residential units near the heart of Uptown Charlotte.

Bordering the Lynx Blue Line on the edge of Uptown Charlotte lies the historic Alpha Mill, an award-winning adaptive reuse project that transformed a 6.82-acre textile mill into multi-family homes. This project took advantage of tax credits and was completed in conjunction with the Historic Landmarks Commission. The site is on the National Registry of Historical Places, and the project has been accepted into the North Carolina Brownfields Program.

LandDesign’s team of landscape architects and civil engineers provided schematic planning, physical analysis, and rezoning documentation for the renovation of the textile mill. The complex features 155 apartments designed around a centrally located courtyard and pool amenity area with a fireplace, grills, open lawn, and rooftop terrace.

The Vision

Experience History in a Modern City

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Alpha Mill had a distinct role in Charlotte’s rich textile history, so rather than letting the brownfield fall to neglect, LandDesign took the opportunity to remediate and preserve its character by repurposing the site to accommodate multi-family living. The facility was one of the most intact historic mills in the city, and its proximity to Uptown and the light rail offered great access to the city and views of the skyline. LandDesign was able to capitalize on Alpha Mill’s prime location and rich history to maintain its unique identity among Charlotte’s multi-family options.

The Challenge

Remediate Decades of Industrial Use For Desirable Living

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The Alpha Cotton Mill operated for 123 years and was recognized by the Historic Landmarks Commission for its historical significance at the time the residential project was started. LandDesign worked closely with Crosland Properties to ensure the site was appropriately developed to maintain status with the Historic Landmarks Commission and the North Carolina Brownfields Program.