Colorado Springs, CO
Downtown Flying Horse
A New Destination Within Colorado Springs
Stillwater Capital
Mixed Use
Master Planning

A Hub for Flying Horse
This new downtown experience brings retail, office, dining, and a central park to the front door of residents, visitors, and employees in the Flying Horse community.
Downtown Flying Horse is rethinking the downtown experience in northern Colorado Springs. A true mixed use development, the 65-acre site integrates retail and dining with office, multiple residential types, and open space. Stillwater Capital engaged LandDesign to create a vision and master plan for Downtown Flying Horse with the goal to establish the city’s first experiential destination.
Located along a major transportation corridor, Downtown Flying Horse is well-positioned for vehicular access from the surrounding region, creating a destination not only for residents of northern Colorado Springs but visitors, employers, and businesses. Anchored by a unique food and beverage experience, Downtown Flying Horse will include a large office component as well as various residential projects, including multi-family and single-family attached and detached. The central park serves as the heart of the community where the community can gather and socialize with the best view of famed Pike’s Peak in the city.