
Measuring the Impact of a Landscape

Pragmatic Visions Ep. 24

How do we measure the positive impact of the places we create? LandDesign’s Alison Peckett and Stephanie Roa were inspired to answer this very question and for the last several years have been digging into data and metrics as measurements for project performance. In 2020, the duo took their research to the next level by partnering with the Landscape Architecture Foundation for their Case Study Investigation Program that brings together leading design firms, academia, and funding to analyze landscape performance.

Over the last year, Allison and Stephanie worked with George Mason University to quantify the social, environmental, and economic impact of the Potomac Science Center. On this episode of Pragmatic Visions, we sat down with Allison and LAF’s Megan Barnes to discuss key findings from the study, valuable lessons learned, and the importance of performance metrics in guiding the future of design.

Read the full Potomac Science Center Landscape Performance case study, here: https://www.landscapeperformance.org/case-study-briefs/potomac-science-center

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