
Introducing Pragmatic Visions

Pragmatic Visions Ep. 0

At LandDesign, we’ve been having conversations about COVID’s impact on the future of our practice, internal and external collaboration, and ultimately, the way we design. While we don’t have all the answers, we do have a lot of ideas and are thrilled to share these conversations with you through our podcast, Pragmatic Visions. 

In our industry, a change order can throw a design team for a loop, challenging the team to rethink their approach to a project. Similarly, COVID was a giant change order that impacted our day-to-day lives, requiring us to find new avenues to experience togetherness while in quarantine. Our first series, aptly named, Change Order, explores our reactions to the new normal, what hurdles we may expect, and the role of design in creating a more resilient world. Tune in as our thought leaders share their observations, opinions, and ideas during lockdown.

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